Myra Lee

2003-03-17 - 5:00 p.m.

Here comes a vent: I�m so fucking angry right now. I�m just sitting here in my cubicle wanting to scream and throw things.

The hellish company that employs me recently fucked with our payment schedule. We used to get paid on the 15th and the last day of every month. Now we get paid around the 17th and 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) of every month. It�s different every month, which is irritating. It�s also irritating because rent is customarily due on the first of the month. (Gasp! Some people aren�t homeowners!) And being impoverished as I am, I live paycheck to paycheck. I usually have a little cushion in my bank account, but not an entire month�s rent. Anyway, the bottom line is that I bounced a rent check and had to pay a $90.00 fee. I just complained (politely) to the accounting guy who decided to change our payment schedule in the first place. (The only reason for this change was some bullshit bookkeeping convenience thing.) He wrote back to me:

Perhaps this is a good opportunity for you to regain more financial control and to set better budgets for yourself. You need to have some sort of monetary cushion for rainy days. If you ever need some confidential financial advice, perhaps I can give you some.

Um, if that�s not patronizing and rude and out of line�I don�t know what is. I just keep re-reading his response. This is not my beautiful life.

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