Myra Lee

2003-03-07 - 10:00 a.m.

16. I have a 32-year-old brother who lives in L.A. and is one of my best friends. We grew up in an almost-normal family-like home, except for how we have a half-brother who�s 30 and a half-sister who�s 28. I�m 26 - get it? Their ages are in-between ours. See�it�s confusing. We all have the same dad.

17. At my workplace, I�m currently writing a fill-in-the-blank golfer�s journal. I have never golfed. If I can�t find time to go hiking, I�m certainly not going to make time to golf.

18. I aspire to run in a marathon, but this goal is pretty far-fetched. Lately, when I actually get around to jogging, I run two miles at most.

19. I was an Indian Princess with my dad. All the girls got "Indian names" such as Running Bear, Little Fox, etc. My dad named me Foxy Lady. I didn�t understand why all the other dads thought this was so funny.

20. I love this. I collect a lot of paper and found objects and stuff with the ambition of making my own mixed media artwork, but I never sit down and do it.

21. I love the idea of starting an artists� commune. I used to fantasize about picking up, driving across the country with my cello, and foisting myself on these wonderful people. (I suck at the cello.)

22. The other day my friend Jim (guy who moved to Bishop with his amazing wife Penelloppe) called me with a "pop quiz." (He does this to all his friends.) Question #1 was: Who sings "Everybody�s Working for the Weekend." I yelled: Loverboy! Question #2 was a two-parter: In "Waiting for Guffman," Guffman never does come, but who does come and sit in his seat? And why is he visiting Blaine? All I could come with for Qustion #2 was: It has something to do with his sister�I had to hang my head in shame. (That�s a really hard question, right?)

23. I�m always second-guessing myself.

24. When I was younger, I wasn�t shy at all. Now I am. When I take personality tests, I always sit right on the fence between being an introvert and an extrovert.

25. My parents got divorced when I was 12. At the time - of course - I was devastated, but now I wonder how they were able to stay together that long.

26. I love Ira Glass.

27. My favorite cereal is Special K with Berries.

28. I still haven�t seen this, and I really want to see it.

29. I hope Clay Aiken is the next American Idol. (I�m also a Ruben fan.)

30. When I was a kid, my mom bribed me to read. She paid me a penny per page. She was an English teacher, then a German teacher, and now she�s a librarian. Anyway, her tactic worked; I still love to read.

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