Myra Lee

2009-05-16 - 9:19 p.m.

I just purged massive amounts of clothing from my wardrobe and was seriously puzzled by my past choices in apparel. There were some loooong-forgotten items -- sweet lord, when you're young, you can wear anything. Erik's comments on various Goodwill-bound pieces included:

"Are you sure that's not a sleeping bag?"

"That looks like a lab coat."

"Is that moldy?"

"Is that upside down?"

As for why the purge, we are getting rid of loads of stuff right now because (DRAMATIC PAUSE), we're buying a house! Wooot! We're in escrow right now, and there are still hoops that must be jumped through, contingencies that must be met, a loan that must be funded. So, I suppose any number of problems could crop up, but let's not linger on them. Let's practice The Secret.

As for house selection, the decision was made using 95% heart, 5% brain. Erik is comfortable with this ratio. I'm sure there was a time when I too would've been comfortable with the ratio, but being an attorney does weird things to your head. You become aggressively logical. The house is small-ish and old and wonky and partly unpermitted. And yet...

It's so right.

Also, the neighbor two doors down from new house recently commissioned this mural by a local painter of polite animals on his street-facing wall. I just love these friendly creatures. They really are so polite!

I have more to say!

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