Myra Lee

2008-09-21 - 7:58 p.m.

At the beach, we were sitting near a family with two kids, around age 7 and 10. The brother yelled, "OK everybody, get ready for Roller! It's Roller time!" The sister jumped up and down with excitement. I too was excited to see what this entailed.

The Roller: Throwing yourself onto the sand while the other person tosses handfuls of sand on you. It had nothing to do with rolling, and really I found Roller to be a big disappointment. Then Erik and I compared our own made-up childhood games.

Me and my brother's: Sharks and Rain. The game: Keep the other person off the bed, using whatever force necessary.

Erik's and his sister's: Nights a la Dragon. The game: One person is in a sleeping bag. Other person hits the person in the sleeping bag.

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