Myra Lee

2008-01-05 - 6:50 p.m.

I made the mistake of going out on New Year�s Eve. And we thought we were so smart going to a party less than a mile from our house! But for naught, on our way home at 2:30 a.m. we were struck by a drunken teen named Seamus. Now the Prius is in the shop for two weeks. Two weeks! And guess who was too cheap to spring for the rental car coverage in our otherwise high-class auto insurance policy? This cheapskate right here. Now we�re down to one car (the two-seater Honda Insight, which isn�t faring too well in this strange weather phenomenon called rain that�s now besieging Los Angeles). To make matters worse, I�d half-heartedly listed the Insight on craigslist (because its carpool-access stickers are currently fetching a hefty premium). I didn�t even bother to post a photo, but the ad enticed a crazed commuter named Dip who�s begging to buy the thing for only $500 less than I paid for it two years ago! I�ve never heard of a car depreciating only $500 after two years of abuse, so I want to take advantage of Dip�s pluck. Which will leave us carless. In Los Angeles. Thankfully, my brother happened to name his son (born last July) Cooper. And naturally, this prompted my mom, who�s been yearning for grandchildren for a long while, to purchase a 2007 Mini Cooper (complete with personalized COOPR 07 plates), and so she�s offered us the use of her unneeded Dodge Intrepid. Hooray! Thank you Dip and Cooper! Poor Seamus, though. He did pretty much everything you�re not supposed to do when you get into an accident. He leaped out of his car and yelled, �It�s my fault! It�s my fault! I�m so sorry!� And as we walked up, he said, �Oh my god you guys I�m so sorry I shouldn�t have been driving. I�m totally drunk and my insurance lapsed. Please don�t call the police. I�m leasing this car and they�re going to take it away when they find out my insurance lapsed. This was all my fault I know I ran that stop sign but I�ve been drinking.� Long hard road I fear for Seamus.

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