Myra Lee

2006-08-25 - 8:20 p.m.

What a strangely quiet Friday night. My spouse is at a studio recording music. My two closest friends are at home tending to their newborns. I just finished my first week of my second year of law school.

The law school thing definitely seems funner this year. Lots funner. It�s a little surreal to be a student teacher, though. The professor I�m paired with asked me to teach 20 minutes of the class on our second day. Second day! This �professor� isn�t really a professor; rather, she�s a lawyer who comes on campus and teaches two 50-minute class sessions each week. She�s probably not that much older than I am. Nonetheless, I kinda expected her to do most of the teaching. Not so. To my surprise, I had to scramble to come up with a �lesson.� I was super nervous, mainly because I feel like I�m teaching a bunch of my peers, many of whom went to Princeton, Yale, Stanford, and other such places. And 20 minutes is a long time to blather on! Still I pulled it together, and I thought I did a pretty good job. However, afterward, I met with the �professor� to go over next week�s lesson plan, and she said, �By the way, I have one very important critique of your presentation today. When you�re talking to the students, don�t ever refer to me by my first name. I want the students to refer to me as Professor Raphael.�

For some reason, I felt crushed after that. I was so wanting her to say, �Nice job up there!� Or, �Boy, with public speaking skills like that, you should run against Hillary for the Democratic nomination in �08!� Or something.

When I e-mailed Erik to tell him about my feelings of failure, he wrote back:

Whatever, Professor Raphael. You should demand that she call you Princess Peach.

I totally should.

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