Myra Lee

2004-11-09 - 1:45 p.m.

I signed up to run a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. It�s a 5K or 10K race, depending on how I feel that morning. Given my recent slowness in the running department, I might just do the 5K. Anyway, I�m all fired up for race day and am running four to six miles almost every day. (I�m trying!) But imagine my surprise when I received an e-mail from the guy organizing the event, calling the race The Long Beach Turkey Trot & Chicken Chucking Championship.

Chicken chucking?? Did I sign up for that too? Apparently I did. Following the trot, we will take turns throwing a rubber chicken for charity. It�s a poultry-themed extravaganza. The winner takes home a rubber chicken trophy and will determine the amount of the check to a local food bank�$2 for every foot they throw the chicken. I want that trophy! Too bad I have such sad, scrawny arms and am very lame at all things throwing-related.

Another upcoming event I�m so very excited about: the sneak preview of The Life Aquatic at The Egyptian followed by Q&A with Mr. Anderson himself! A world of thanks to Lady Edwin for alerting me to this. It�s happenings like these that redeem L.A. Hooray!

I�m completely unmotivated to accomplish anything work-related today. I would rather be home watching the feel-good movie I have waiting for me from Netflix.

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