Myra Lee

2004-05-13 - 12:26 p.m.

I'm glad there's this web site for when I've already cracked all my own knuckles and am left wanting more.

I�m debating about whether or not I can allow myself a night of fun. There�s this swell thing called "Stroll & Savor" on 2nd Street in Belmont Shore this evening. It involves strolling and savoring, you see. The restaurants all have little booths set up along the sidewalks, and the food is cheap and yummy. And the weather just couldn�t be any nicer today�but - according to my calculations - I have at least 20 (probably 25) hours of LSAT studying to do before Monday. My latent overachiever tendencies have resurfaced after having laid dormant for many years. I�ve really been Virgo-ing out with my time management and hyper organization in preparing for this dumb LSAT. Anyway, it�s tough to choose between margarita-sipping/strolling/savoring/etc. with friends vs. sitting in my hot apartment alone analyzing flawed methods of reasoning.

Here is my flawed argument for why I should go out instead of studying: If I go play with my friends instead of studying, I will have fun. Therefore, I will have fun if I play with friends instead of studying.

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