Myra Lee

2004-03-12 - 9:40 a.m.

Tonight I�m going dancing at The Good Foot, and I�m so excited I want to leap up and do a Mexican Hat Dance on my desk. But I better not.

And as if getting on the good foot isn�t enough jazzercizing for one weekend, on Saturday we�ll be having the first official Jump Rope Club gathering. (The Jump Rope Club is in desperate need of a snappier name.) The club intends to meet over at Brandis and John�s and jump rope in their driveway for at least 10 minutes. The vision began when I watched a program on the Discovery Health Channel. Apparently, 10 minutes of jumping rope is equivalent to 30 minutes of fast-paced jogging. Who knew?!

One of the club�s members (Tony Joe) is the incredibly sporty husband of my pal Nikki. Tony Joe says he doesn�t think I can jump rope for more than a minute. So, the jump rope gauntlet has been thrown down. How hard can it be? He is one of those guys who�s annoyingly good at everything, so I�m determined to prove him wrong. I�m doing a little research today, trying to find out about some special roping techniques I can unveil to impress the club and make Tony Joe eat his words. I found these helpful diagrams on The Jump Rope Institute�s web site. (I really want to master the Forward Shuffle before tomorrow.) I like The Jump Rope Institute�s motto: We believe that WE CAN, WE WILL, and WE MUST help people from around world learn about THE MAGIC OF THE ROPE and how to use it correctly to ROPE TO SUCCESS!


I have a feeling Tony Joe may be right, and - for all our lofty roping ambitions - we may end up lounging on the porch drinking mojitos.

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