Myra Lee

2008-01-15 - 8:27 p.m.

Tonight I took a yoga booty ballet class with one of my law school friends. It was at the university athletic center, and we were surrounded by tiny, tittering undergrads. They were so small! I could've crushed them as if a mastodon. I think I entered the class full of wishful thinking (wishing the class would be mostly yoga, moderate booty, and minimal ballet). Although there wasn't a whole lot of official ballet, there was sufficient dancefulness to remind me that I look and feel like a giant moron in dance classes. I found myself sandwiched between gazelle-like ballet girl and hip-hop amazing-dancer black girl. I didn't know this going in, but yoga booty ballet requires a certain amount of stripper-like ass-shaking. At all times as it turns out. Gazelle looked pretty silly doing that, but this black girl was a breathtaking ass shaker! And then there was me. I have never felt whiter.

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