Myra Lee

2006-08-27 - 2:45 p.m.

Yesterday we went to see Erik�s cousin�s kids (ages 6 and 8) in a community theater performance. We had front-row seats, which meant we were two feet from the stage. And we were at eye level with the performers. Now, there is something inherently goofy about community theater performances, so I was already giggling from the start. But then something bad happened, and I really lost it. At the end of some big showstopper of a number, the curtain came rushing closed, all dramatic like. But one kid was a little too far forward, so the curtain closed behind him, leaving him stranded alone on stage. He frantically tried to crawl alongside the curtain in an effort to duck behind it, and finally he had to sort of roll under it.

I know it�s not nice to laugh at a poor child being embarrassed in front of a large crowd. I really tried to suppress it, but that only made it worse. It was like that Seinfeld where Jerry showed Elaine the Pez dispenser during the piano concert. I had tears running down my face. Right now, just thinking about it, I�m laughing all over again. I am an asshole.

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