Myra Lee

2005-03-28 - 10:14 a.m.

This was a weekend as weekends should be. Pretty music, good food, friends, birthday celebrations, etc. etc. I give this weekend five stars. (That�s out of five possible stars.)

Yesterday morning we went to Erik's Aunt Margie's for Easter brunch. His family does holidays right. There's always so much deliciousness. And his cousins' kids rule. They really tore it up during the egg hunt.

Then we went to my mom's for Easter dinner, where she introduced a new tradition of holiness: Resurrection Rolls! They're basically just cinnamon rolls, but a mini marshmallow is placed inside each roll before they go into the oven. Then the marshmallow disappears during the baking and the rolls are empty...just like the empty tomb of Jesus. Leave it to my mom to use marshmallows to symbolize her lord and savior. I must say they were scrumptious. But then my mom shared with us that the marshmallows had not really disappeared completely; they had seeped out of the bottom and made a sticky mess. I thought that was kind of a downer, given the metaphor.

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