Myra Lee

2005-02-10 - 4:32 p.m.

Nooooo! My brother and I just received the following e-mail from our mom:

For my birthday, here's what I would like:
Meet at our house for dinner 3:30 or 4:00.
All of us go to a church service at the Vineyard at 6:00 for Ed Piorek�s message on the Father�s Love.
Go to Marie Callender�s for dessert afterward.

Grrr. As much as I love my mom, I find this really irritating. In our household, we�ve taken to using the terms "red state" and "blue state" as adjectives, as in: My mom�s request that her children attend a church service for her birthday present is a very red state maneuver.

What�s especially lame is that this isn�t the first time she�s done this, used her birthday as coercion to get us to her Fundamentalist Happy Clap Church. At least the last time, she selected a "Christian comedian" for us to see. Erik kept trying to guess what sort of material a Christian comedian might offer and came up with this opener:

"Hello Anaheim! I just rode in from Sodom, and boy is my ass tired!"

Should there be any doubt that Erik is hee-larious, look at this special image of Farty Wendy Pepper the Cockroach he made:

I tried my hand at one, too:

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