Myra Lee

2003-08-28 - 1:22 p.m.

Answering questions is fun, so I�m gonna do it. These came by way of the illustrious Red Dirt Girl. If you want questions, sign my guestbook and I will ask them. This is a game.

1. Do you believe in God? If not, did you when you were younger? When did you stop?

Oh dear. The third planet is sure that they're being watched by an eye in the sky that can't be stopped. When you get to the promise land, you�re gonna shake that eye�s hand...Or, in my own words: My mother is a fundamentalist Christian and is a master of Guilt - feeling it and inflicting it. (I call her Calvin, but not to her face, of course.) So, I was raised with religion in a big way. And I definitely believed in God when I was younger. Part of me thinks religion is a neurological disorder that any self-sufficient, self-reliant adult needs to overcome. And I hate what the American Church (the Calvary-Chapel-ish McChurch that�s taking over each and every stripmall in the country) has come to stand for: Republicanism, anti-intellectualism, preaching fear and apocalypse while offering pizza parties and skate ramps. As a social force, it�s terrifying. But I still believe in God, just not the one served with fries. And not the one that motivates people to kill each other.

2. What do you consider your finest hour, and why?

I think my finest hour is yet to come. I don�t want to be one of those people who�s always looking backwards, thinking I was better off in the past. But I do look back on my days of living in Florence and backpacking around Europe as one of the richest times of my life.

3. What do you think your seven-year-old self would say if she met your present self?

"Where�s the unibrow?"

4. How do you envision your "golden years," if you envision them at all?

I have a few different versions of Elderly Me. I�m most partial to the version of Grandma Me with long white braids, running a little music/art school for children. I would be a piano teacher there. The school could be in Montana, or Spain, or Maine, or Northern California.

5. If you could do anything you wanted tomorrow, what would you do? I'm also offering a budget of $500.

Isn't Red Dirt Lady nice to offer me $500 to do whatever I want tomorrow? I've decided to use it to go to New York and visit my old friend Livia. Ah, Livia! The most charmed lady alive. Her first book (photographs of Mexican midget bullfighters) is coming out soon.

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