Myra Lee

2003-08-08 - 10:43 a.m.

A coworker of mine called in sick yesterday with a case of "general malaise." Can you do that? Apparently you can. I�m going to call in with ennui. "I�m sorry, I can�t come in today. I�m feeling overwhelmed with existential angst."

Last night was another fun evening of frolic at the ol� Irish Mist. I dragged Branderslice along, and leave it to Branderslice to coincidentally know the Bulgarian fiddler who was playing with Beth, my favorite Irish fiddler. It was an international fiddling extravaganza.

For tonight, there is talk of having dinner on the Queen Mary. Everybody�s workin� for the weekend�come to me sweet weekend, oh my weekend.

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